Splunk Cloud vs. Loggly: 2019 Speed Test

By Jason Skowronski | April 24, 2019

The core ability to search through logs quickly and intuitively is the most important feature a log management system brings to the table. Being able to quickly and efficiently search through logs generated by an infrastructure stack allows DevOps professionals to rapidly find and address problems, as well as confirm deployments and configuration changes. Because raw speed has such a direct impact on the usefulness of these products, we will compare to see which performs the best.

Both SolarWinds® Loggly® and Splunk Cloud offer robust and comprehensive search features. In an effort to compare each platform based on this core feature, I decided to test the speed with which each of these platforms performed a variety of searches. I then compared the speeds between each of the products to determine which out-performed the other and proved to be the superior platform.