
7 Microservice Best Practices for Developers

September 27, 2021

Unless you’ve been developing software in a cave, you’ve probably heard people sing the praises of microservices. They’re agile, simple, and an overall improvement on the monolith and service-oriented architecture days. But of course, with all the benefits of microservices comes a new set of challenges.

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4 Key Observability Metrics for Distributed Applications

July 26, 2021

A common architectural design pattern these days is to break up an application monolith into smaller microservices. Each microservice is then responsible for a specific aspect or feature of your app. For example, one microservice might be responsible for serving external API requests, while another might handle data fetching for your frontend.

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Comparing Container Pipelines

March 17, 2020

Containers brought a monumental shift to DevOps by allowing teams to ship code faster than ever before. However, we still have to go through the process of building, packaging, and deploying those containers. That’s why we use container pipelines.

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Monitoring Azure App Service Performance With SolarWinds AppOptics

January 22, 2020

Azure App Service makes it easy to host reliable and scalable web applications. However, this doesn’t mean you can ignore your applications after deployment. Errors, performance issues, and other problems can occur at any time, affecting your quality of service and revenue. Staying on top of problems like these requires comprehensive monitoring, and application performance monitoring (APM) solutions like SolarWinds®AppOptics™can help.

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Get Better Azure Log Analytics with Loggly Insight

August 30, 2018

For any organization running .NET applications, Azure is probably one of the easiest cloud providers to integrate into production deployment and set up staging environments for testing. Azure can be configured directly into Visual Studio, so developers just click a button to deploy updates without someone on the team doing traditional manual file migration. With each resource group you make in Azure, you have the option of creating log files to monitor activity.

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Get Insights into Azure with Papertrail

August 6, 2018

Microsoft Azure caters to businesses with mainly Windows environments and hosting can be difficult to monitor as you scale up resources. We’ll show you how, with Papertrail™, you can stream your application logs directly to a central location.

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