
Troubleshooting Common ASP.NET MVC Problems

April 3, 2019

The Microsoft release of ASP.NET Web Forms had most .NET developers excited for a new framework to replace old Classic ASP scripting. However, Web Forms made it tedious to keep track of page states resulting in spaghetti code for many web projects. When MVC was introduced, it made web development much easier with the model, view, controller structure. But it also introduced its own complications, and many.NET programmers ran into challenges when switching to MVC.

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Troubleshooting Common Ruby on Rails Errors in Production

March 22, 2019

One of the greatest advantages of Ruby on Rails (RoR) is its focus on convention over configuration. RoR convention allows programmers—willing to play by the rule book—to develop a Rails application in significantly less time than other frameworks, as well as with significantly less code. How? Well, by lowering the number of decisions a programmer must make when building out their application.

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Monitoring Site Availability Using Synthetic Transactions

February 21, 2019

One of the biggest challenges organizations face when operating web applications is monitoring the availability of complex transactions that involve multiple steps. Developers and testers are often left manually stepping through their applications in the hopes of reproducing problems and replicating the complex nature of user experience. What they really need is a way to simulate real user activity independent of any actual users. In this article, we’ll explain how to create and monitor web applications using synthetic transactions.

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How to “Live Tail” Kubernetes Logs

February 1, 2019

DevOps engineers wishing to troubleshoot Kubernetes applications can turn to log messages to pinpoint the cause of errors and their impact on the rest of the cluster. When troubleshooting a running application, engineers need real-time access to logs generated across multiple components. The challenge that engineers face is accessing comprehensive, live streams of Kubernetes log data. While some solutions exist today, these are limited in their ability to live tail logs or tail multiple logs.

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Monitor System Security with Auditd and Papertrail

January 23, 2019

When it comes to managing risk and ensuring the safety of the data within your network, auditing and managing log data is one of the most important components of any monitoring solution. Keeping detailed records of user activities or changes on your critical systems helps you understand what is occurring within your environment and detect real-time risks. This tutorial will demonstrate deploying Auditd on a standard web server to monitor user logins, modifications to the /etc/passwd file, and changes to any file in the webserver directory.

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Common API Vulnerabilities and How to Secure Them

January 7, 2019

Application programming interfaces (APIs) have become a critical part of almost every business. APIs are responsible for transferring information between systems within a company or to external companies. For example, when you log in to a website like Google or Facebook, an API processes your login credentials to verify they are correct. However, given the sensitive data being transferred through APIs, it’s critical to secure them. Increasingly sophisticated attacks occur every year, requiring better security controls and monitoring.

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How to Log Amazon Alexa Apps and Improve User Experience

December 21, 2018

Efficiently managing this data is made easier with a log management tool. In this tutorial, we’ll show you to log from Alexa skills. Our skill is written as an Amazon Lambda function and we’ll show you how to track logs to Papertrail. Then, you can identify common misunderstood phrases and use them to improve your voice app. By reading this article, you will learn how to connect hardware to the Internet of Things (IoT), log the data it sends you, and leverage that data to improve your product.

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Improve Live Ops for Games Using Papertrail

December 14, 2018

Live Ops is an ever-increasing practice in the gaming world. Games today often include multiplayer competition, events, the ability to trade items, and more. These require backend services and a platform team to set up and manage those services. They also require customer support to interact with players who experience issues and to make adjustments as needed. All these pieces need to be working flawlessly to deliver a good experience and retain players whom you worked hard to get.

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Secure Your App: Monitor Intrusions with Papertrail

December 6, 2018

In today’s world, malware and vulnerabilities are a growing threat that can impact any network from small to large. These threats can expose personal data, compromise financial account details, hold critical data for ransom, or destroy data entirely. It is important to understand what vulnerabilities might exist within your environment, and what you can do not only to mitigate risk, but react to an active attack in progress. This article will show you how to monitor your network traffic and react to an active intrusion with SolarWinds® Papertrail™.

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Monitoring Java Application Logs with SolarWinds Papertrail

October 24, 2018

Logging is the process of recording messages during the execution of a program, typically for troubleshooting operational problems or software bugs. Logs save valuable hours for both the support team and the developers by giving them contextual information to determine the cause of problems and how to fix them.

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